Pokemon Go: Best Team for Master League

Master League has finally arrived in Pokemon Go for all trainers around the world. At the arrival of the Master League, several Pokemon suddenly appear in the spotlight. For a trainer, is it mandatory to know that every Pokemon is not suitable for Master League, so they have to choose a suitable Pokemon. Although, in the Master League, there are no CP restrictions for trainers. Now, if there are no CP restrictions, trainers can choose their strongest Pokemon for PVP battle. Unlike Ultra League, players are allowed to choose above 2500 CP Pokemon. Higher CP makes the Pokemon stronger, but some specific Pokemon completely rocks the Master League. The great thing about PVP battles is that players don’t have to revive their Pokemon after getting knocked in the match. Winning the Master League is similar to Ultra League, but if you climb on higher levels, you can surely earn a tremendous amount of “Stardust.” Apart from Stardust, players can earn many more prizes according to their winning ...